Rob Lye, Gael Moissonnier and Jointhee at Jabbarwocky

Sunday 5 May 2019 (afternoon)
Jabbarwocky, 308-10 London Road, Sheffield S2 4NA
An artist and musician based in London whose music explores heavily granulated field recordings, phantom melodies and rhythms presented
with moving image based work that seek to explore and reconsider the experience of time and materiality.
A French self taught experimental musician and sound artist whose musical interests focus on fully immersive physical sound situations and psychoacoustic phenomena. His improvised live performances are built with psychoactive rhythmic patterns and sine wave drive meditative drones proving altered states of consciousness.
in recent years hard-l-y perennial noise/s oddbod JOINTHEE has attained/ chiselled-out a mere low profile occasionally popping up e.g. to present/perform at colour out of space last weekend and saboteuse duo at the last tusk festival or perhaps release via feeding tube staggering silver dick trio lp etc etc etc but instead mainly writing / not publishing / not recording energy compositions destroyer ; here, as at COoS, th’bugger will present unsigned an anon. arr. for the leisurely discernment of any assembled assorted attendees.
3pm start. £5 suggested donation though nobody turned away for lack of funds.